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​  外国人日本人を交えたイベントを実施しています。
Let's enjoy international exchange while enjoying the fair

March 10, 2024 As an international exchange event, we recreated many nostalgic games from old fairs and invited not only Japanese people but also many foreign residents and their children. Performances include ring toss, beigoma, super ball scooping, candy grabbing, picture-story shows, origami, and balloon art. With Hayashi playing at the venue, visitors toured the play area of their own choice, while parents and children of all nationalities interacted and played together, creating an international festival atmosphere. The children happily went home with the candy they had grabbed, prizes from games, and souvenir balloons. Although the preparations were difficult, the staff seemed satisfied with the successful outcome. Number of visitors: 49 people, performers: 20 people, staff: 17 people

Foreigner Bibliobattle “Why did you choose that book?

Saturday, February 24, 2024 Six foreign butlers spoke in Japanese about their reasons for choosing a book and their thoughts on a book from Japan or their own country. Questions from the audience were answered, and the venue was filled with fun and discussion. After all six people had made their presentations, the audience was asked to vote for the book they wanted to read the most, and Gen Seitsu from China, who introduced ``Dashing China'', won the prize. Biblibattle has become popular in Japan, but I felt that this attempt from the perspective of a foreigner living in Japan was very fresh. I'm sure the visitors will also want to read books recommended by foreigners. The event was very popular, with many people saying it was ``very good'' in the survey conducted after the event. There were 33 participants including 6 foreign butlers and staff.

7th International Exchange “Junior International Cultural Exchange with Delicious Japanese Sweets”

On Sunday, July 30, 2023, "Junior International Cultural Exchange with Delicious Japanese Sweets" was held. Three friends from Bangladesh and 17 friends from Japan made two types of nerikiri, summery sunflowers and morning glories. Under the guidance of Mr. Nanjo, the representative of the NPO Hannari Wagashi Labo, most of the children were able to create unique and wonderful pieces, even though this was their first experience. The adults who were helping the children complete so much work in such a limited amount of time were impressed, and I think the children also felt a sense of accomplishment. Afterwards, we divided into groups and took quizzes about Japanese sweets. We had a lively discussion and exchanged opinions, deepening our relationship. I too felt happy when I saw the smiling faces of the children taking their cherished works home as souvenirs.


コロナ禍でイベント中止が続いた2020年度のラウンジですが、2021年2月27日にオンラインとオンサイトの併用イベントを開催いたしました。 日本在住外国人による、日本の「本」ビブリオバトルです。 ロシア、中国、イラン、インドネシア、セネガルの5人の外国人が、好きな日本の「本」を紹介し、その本を選んだ理由も語ってくれました。 選ばれた5冊は、黒柳徹子著「窓ぎわのトットちゃん」、吉野源三郎著「君たちはどう生きるか」、フジテレビアニメ「東京マグニチュード8.0」、吉本ばなな著「キッチン」、ウサビ・サコ著「これからの世界を生きる君に伝えたいこと」です。 日本人ならよく知っている著作もあればあまり馴染みのない著作まで、それらが選ばれた経緯や感想などとても興味深く、流暢な日本語による5人のプレゼンには会場もオンライン参加の人々も引き込まれ、活発な質疑応答もできました。 現代は時間の流れが速く、余暇(閑つぶし)としての読書の時間が少なくなっています。小学生から大学生そして社会人まで「機能書(必要から生まれる動機)」を読むことはできても、「好きな本」を「好きな時」に読むことが難しくなっています。 今回のビブリオバトルを通して、もう一度、「何を読むべきか」「いかに読むべきか」を文化的で非功利的欲求を満足させる「読書の悦び」を見直すいい機会になったと思います。 チャンプはセネガルのバ・アブさん、おめでとうございます! 会場11名、オンライン17名、計28名の皆さま、ご参加ありがとうございました。

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