Guide to supplementary Japanese language classes for children
When? Date and Time
Every Wednesday
from 16:00 to 17:30 for Children one year younger than the first grader and elementary school students.
from 17:45 to 19:15 for Junior high school students
Where? Place
Aoba International Lounge : Meeting room #4 & #5
(in front of Tana station on the Denentoshi Line).
To whom ? Eligibility
Children who have loots in foreign countries
(Children 1 year before entering elementary school, elementary school students, and junior high school students)
What to learn? Study assignment
Supplementary lessons for local school study and Japanese language study.
We also hold participant exchange meetings and learning presentations.
Cost? Entry fee
Free of charge
where to contact? Inquiries
Aoba International Lounge
TEL:045-989-5266 FAX:045-982-0701
E-mail : aobaloungeintl89h1@t07.itscom.net
Annual schedule 2024/April~2025/March
This is a supplementary study class for children with ties to foreign countries from one year before entering elementary school to third year of junior high school.
You will study Japanese and do your school homework together with the volunteers.